#084: Strahdcast Ch.59: Sphere Fear
At Wachterhaus, our heroes try their luck against an escape room containing a Sphere of Annihilation.
At Wachterhaus, our heroes try their luck against an escape room containing a Sphere of Annihilation.
Marty and Scott scrutinize the career of Dick Warlock, Hollywood’s coolest (and coolest named) stunt double. Core Connections: The Computer Wore Tennis Shoes (1969, Dir. Robert Butler) The Stunt Man (1980, Dir. Richard Rush) Spaceballs (1986, Dir. Mel Brooks) Connective Cameos: Terminator 2: Judgement Day Escape From New York The Absent-Minded Professor North by Northwest…
An old enemy turns up, wearing a new uniform and possessed of new, diabolical powers.
Scott and Marty turn their red, unfocused eyes towards Roger Deakins, one of the greatest living cinematographers. Directors of photography? Whatever. Core Connections: 1984 (1984, Dir. Michael Radford) A Serious Man (2009, Dir. Joel and Ethan Coen) 1917 (2019, Dir. Sam Mendes) Connective Cameos: Citizen Kane The Big Lebowski Brazil Pink Floyd’s The Wall Snowpiercer…
After a harrowing escape from Castle Ravenloft, some divine guidance gets the heroes back on track: squatting, sponge baths, and haberdashery.
After noticing the prevalence of train films in the omniverse, Marty and Scott go full steam ahead on three loco-motion pictures. Core Connections: The General (1926, Dir. Clyde Bruckman) Throw Momma From the Train (1987, Dir. Danny DeVito) SnowPiercer (2013, Dir. Bong Joon Ho) Connective Cameos: Arrival of a Train at La Ciotat It’s a…
Scott the DM shares his inspirations and role-playing strategies for Hazlik, the creepy-crawly NPC with all the juiciest secrets!
Seeking to escape the trap-filled cellars of Castle Ravenloft, the heroes strike a wary bargain with Hazlik, the Darklord’s vermiculous vassal.
Scott and Marty hopscotch through the variegated career of American actor William Hurt (1950-2022). Core Connections: The Kiss of the Spider Woman (1985, Dir. Hector Babenco) Broadcast News (1987, Dir. James L. Brooks) Dark City (1998, Dir. Alex Proyas) Connective Cameos: Body Heat The Big Chill The Panic in Needle Park Addams Family Values Austin…
The heroes have found their way into the Larders of Ill Omen under Castle Ravenloft. Here in the Darklord’s domicile, the shadows spring to life and gravity does whatever if feels like. How long can the heroes endure?